
I am an Applied Scientist in the Amazon Alexa team in Cambridge. I am currently working on topics related to large-scale information extraction and large language models. Before that, I was a Post-Doctoral Associate at the ML^2, Center for Data Science, New York University, where I worked with Sam Bowman on crowdsourcing and transfer learning for NLU. I got my PhD from the Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation (ILCC), University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Adam Lopez and Sharon Goldwater.

My main research interests lie in the area of natural language understanding and machine learning. I am interested in applying machine learning techiques and exploring linguistic resources to help machine learning models understand world’s languages.

You can contact me at: vaniclar (at) amazon.co.uk.


  • I am co-organizing SEALP2023 workshop. Consider submitting if you are working on South East Asian languages. Deadline is August 25th 2023 anywhere on earth.
  • Our WebIE paper led by our intern Chenxi, is accepted at ACL 2023 (main conference)!